Building Your Own Style Garage Doors

29/12/2010 18:12

The doors in a house are important functional parts. Not only that, they also add aesthetic value to the property. These doors may be an expensive investment, however using right tools and spending some time with the know-how, you may build your own stable styled door. There are other types also such as single door for a garage of a single car, a single large door for a garage of two cars. You can also build two different stable-style doors for two cars and two door garage. Here are the instructions:

1. Take proper measurements of the new garage doors. This is based on the sizes of existing garage doors which you are going to replace. In case you are not replacing the older ones, you will have to measure the size even more carefully. There is a need for a couple of inches clearance on both sides and one inch at the bottom. Take measurements of old garage doors and find out the material you will need with some extra, in case you get trouble with the measuring portion of the task.

2. Make the decision on the design you will use for your stable-style garage doors. Most manufacturers of garage doors offer custom designed stable-style doors by letting you select the panels of your choice. You may get the quote after deciding on the color, material, size, texture and windows.

3. You just skip the quote and build the doors yourself. You have to decide how to break up the panels. Build the frames of the size required. You can use any treated wood for this. Now cut the panels.

4. You may create grooves for panels to slip into. Make use of the wood glue on its edges before sliding them in place in the grooves. If you want any hardware, make the list of items you need and check out with the local hardware store for it.

5. Now install the garage door mechanisms that are motorized. These mechanisms may be bought at any home improvement store or from the makers you can find on the internet. Make use of instructions which come with the set. Install garage doors on the motorized tracks. Program the door opener as per the manual.

You can learn more about Charlotte garage door services and garage door repair Charlotte, by visiting -

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